Into Maw of Glowbhax: In Search of the Island Devourer

Celebrating Poptropica’s Sweet 16

Hello everyone,

As most of us know already, September marks the birthday of the game we all know and love. This year Poptropica celebrates its birthday by giving players a free Sprinkle Sprayer and Frosting Splatter when they log in.


The DFPB will also be celebrating Pop’s Sweet 16. Introducing the new Co-written fanfic dedicated to 16 years of Poptropica, “Into Maw of Glowbhax: In Search of the Island Devourer”.

Years ago Poptropica was a land filled with over 50 islands, but then the dreaded Glowbhax, came and caused most of the islands disappear, without a trace. But a team of Poptropicans, Lead by 11 year old Gate De’ Rose, are determined enter the Maw of Glowbhax and find the Island Devourer. In a final effort to bring Poptropica back to its former glory.


Staring Poptropicans from lost accounts, and Glowbhax, you can join in on the project!

Breaking News: You can join in!

That’s right: You can be a co-writer for this fanfic. But here’s some things to remember:

  1. Collaborate, Communicate, and Compromise

Meaning this will be a joint project, everyone gets a say, not just you. This means that you will be required to actively communicate with the other co-writers, to ensure consistency and agreement. Larger details like plot twists and mysteries must be communicated and agreed upon. If you don’t like a certain idea or detail, kindly just say so that we can work it out to where we’re all happy with it. This also means working with the rest of us, and compromising when needed.

2. Week Round-Robin

Round-Robin is a style of co-writing where each author takes a turn at writing a chapter, for this project chapters should be no more than around 400 words, shorter chapters are perfectly fine, and some may be longer. But each author is given a week before they are asked to let the next author have their turn. We ask that you check the progress of the story so you can write your chapter and keep things moving. As if you go radio silent, we can’t know if you plan to write your chapter or skip your turn unless you tell us. Delays and extra time needed are allotted as long as you tell the rest of use. You can also trade spots with another author, if you feel they would be a better fit to write that particular chapter. I will be writing the story’s prologue as well as the first chapter.

Moving Along

3. Keep it flowing

This one is pretty basic, but it’s quite important that you keep in touch with previous chapters so one doesn’t end with a character in the middle of the ocean and the next picks up with the same character on a volcano. So please keep the story flowing from previous chapters.

3. Your Poptropican, your rules.

As each author will add their own Poptropican to the story, they will maintain (almost) complete control of said character. As everyone gets a chapter to write, you can’t dictate your Poptropican’s every move, however, you get final say in your Poptropican’s actions.

4. Peer review

Though each author has the tool to publish a chapter, we ask that you do not. After you finish a chapter, tell us so that others may review it and make suggestions. This is so we all agree that what is included in the chapter fits the story and its characters. After all authors have given their seal-of-approval after three days, I will publish the chapter myself. In the event not all authors are able to give their ok in three days, it’s required that at least half do.

Take notes

5. Politically Neutral and Kid- Friendly

As the DFPB is running this project and we stay neutral on political topics, and kid-friendly, so that everyone can enjoy this blog. This project will follow that example, failure to do so in a chapter will result in your chapter being deleted before it’s published and you being removed from the team.

6. First come, first served

As we cannot have thirty people working on this project and remain productive and organized, this project is limited to five authors, minus myself. So authors will be added in order that they apply. The order they apply also determines their turn in the chapter line-up. For example if you apply third, you’ll be the third in line to write a chapter, unless you trade spots with someone else, though both authors must agree to trade spots.

7. Poptropicans from the Past

As this fanfic is dedicated to 16 years of Poptropica, we highly encourage you to pay tribute to a Poptropican from your personal experience with the game. This includes, Poptropicans from your original, deleted, original account, or maybe the original design of your Poptropican if you still have your original account. In my case, that would be,Gate de’ Rose, who is based on the Poptropican from my first account in 2012, whose username was something near “Gate457”. I do realize that some have stuck with their original account and design since they found Poptropica, so this is optional, but highly recommended.

Let the adventure begin!

8. Quotev

This fanfic will be written in Quotev, though each chapter will also be featured on the DFPB. That being said, in order to be a author of this project, you must have a Quotev account, this will allow you to be able to write the fanfic as well as join the Quotev group we’ll be using to work together on.

So, sound interesting? We’d love to have you as a co-writer! All you have to do is:

  • Create a Quotev account using the name you use on the DFPB
  • Give your Quotev name and username in the comment section.
  • List any Poptropica Fanfics you have written or co-written (if you have). This also includes ones you currently are working on
  • Give the name of the Poptropican you’d be adding (ex. Gate de’ Rose or Blue Sock), their backstory (in universe and real life), and a picture of them (optional).

Well, what are you waiting for? Apply to be a cowriter for this fanfic! The story writing begins a week from today! Feel free to ask questions in the comments as well!

-Dizzy Feather